The MVT internal rotor ignition is a racing ignition designed to increase performance. Inner rotor ignitions are designed for motorsports and competition.
The big advantage of the MVT internal rotor ignition is that it comes with a power supply and is able to run your standard electrics.
The MVT Premium is a top quality internal rotor ignition with 12V supply for lighting, instruments and battery.
Probably one of the most technically advanced ignitions on the market.
The compact and lightweight internal rotor puts less weight on the crankshaft and allows for quick revving, very high engine speeds and an enormous power increase at high rpm.
The Premium ignition CDI with ignition curves that are specifically programmed for the BWS/Nitro Minarelli engine.
In case you want more options, you can exchange the CDI with the Eprom module by MVT (sold separately).
Easy to mount, manual is included.
Inner rotor ignitions are the ultimate choice for the race track, they are however not really suitable for street use.
The RPMs increase faster due to the lower mass, this will affect torque at low RPMs, though.
Therefore, internal rotor ignitions are only worthwhile for racing, because on the racetrack you'll constantly stay at high engine speeds.